Supporting local businesses to recruit and retain staff

Published on 12 December 2023

Business and Retention Survey Simon Cox Sonac Liesbeth Long and Brian Gould.jpg

Retaining and attracting staff continues to be a major challenge for communities across Australia.

In 2022 we invited our local business community to share their experiences with us via the Recruitment and Retention of Staff survey. The feedback told us that retaining and attracting staff was an issue impacting so many of our local businesses - irrespective of their scale or sector.

Under the guidance and joint auspice of La Trobe University we're wanting to check back in with our local business community to understand what challenges are now being faced and how these might have changed since 2022.

Business owners and managers from businesses – big and small – are encouraged to share their experience with us by responding to a 10-minute survey between now and the end of 2023.

The survey has been distributed to approximately 250 businesses in the Shire who employ staff.

Central Goldfield Shire Mayor Cr Liesbeth Long said the input from the local business community will help us understand how we can best support local businesses and industries with recruitment and retention of qualified staff.

“It will help us better understand how we can deliver education that gains knowledge and skills to prepare school leavers in the Shire for future local employment.

“It will also focus on providing additional data including skill specific shortages and alternate educational courses that match the Triggering Innovation Leadership Transformation (TILT) initiative. 

“One of these initiatives is the establishment of a learning hub in Maryborough to provide education to employment pathways for school leavers as well as the potential for skills training for local industries and businesses.”

Sonac Managing Director Simon Cox said retaining staff and attracting new employees is an issue a lot of businesses continue to face.

“This survey is a way to let Council know the hurdles faced by businesses in the Central Goldfields Shire and a step in helping to attract people to the region and solve staffing issues.”

Responding is voluntary and participant responses will be confidential. Businesses will be provided with the results.

The survey can be accessed by visiting

Businesses who have questions or need further assistance to participate in the survey are encouraged to contact Council’s Economic Development Officer Brian Gould at


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