Application Process

Below is a simplified explanation of the steps a planning permit application may take.

Step 1 – Before making an application

It is important to seek advice from Council’s Planning Department to ascertain if your proposal requires planning permission or not.

Step 2 – Preparing your application documents

Once it has been determined a planning application is required, you need to submit an application to the Planning Department. At a minimum, the application must include the following:

  • Completed and signed planning permit application form
  • Recent copy of the title of the land, including any restrictions or agreements relating to the land
  • Appropriately scaled and dimensioned site plan (showing proposed location of new buildings/works
  • Floor plans of any new building
  • Elevations of any new building
  • Written submission outlining any details of the proposal

Please note a Planning Officer may formally request further information about the application if required.

Step 3 – Acceptance of application

Once your application has been accepted by the Planning Department, you will receive a letter detailing:

  • Planning application reference number
  • Fee amount due
  • Details of how to pay the fee

Step 4 – Assessment of the planning application

This part of the process can include the following steps:

  • Request for further information about the application
  • Referral of the application to relevant authorities
  • Advertising of the application

Any required referral authorities may have up to 28 days to consider the application and respond.

An application may be advertised for a minimum of 14 days. This is a chance for anyone who may be affected by the application to view the proposal and make a submission/objection.

Step 5 – Decision making

If an application does not require advertising or does not receive objections, a decision may be made by a delegated Planning Officer.

If objections are received, the application will likely be taken to the next practical Council meeting for a decision by the Councillors.

Step 6 – Possible VCAT review

An application for review to VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal) may be made by the applicant or an objector if they are not satisfied with the outcome made by Council or the Planning Officer.

Further information about the VCAT process is available at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.