Reminder to stay prepared during the Fire Danger Period

Published on 14 December 2022


The Central Goldfields Shire’s Fire Danger Period for 2022-2023 has been confirmed from 1am on 19 December 2022.

CFA declares the Fire Danger Period for each municipality at different times in the lead up to the fire season. Its timing depends on the amount of rain, grassland curing rate and other local conditions.

Once the Fire Danger Period has been declared, fire restrictions come into force. This means you cannot light a fire in the open air unless you have a permit or comply with certain requirements.

Central Goldfields Shire Mayor Cr Grace La Vella said reducing the vegetation around your home will help keep you, your family, and the community safe this Fire Danger Period.

“By law, landowners must take every precaution to reduce the risk of fire on their property and ensure that property remains low risk throughout the Fire Danger Period.

“As a Council we also play our part by slashing our roadsides and open spaces. As we know, we’ve had one of the wettest years on record in Victoria and the saturated ground conditions have made it difficult for Council to keep on top of growth along our roadsides and reserves.

“To help manage the growth Council is using internal and external crews to deliver this work as quickly as possible.  We are also offering free green waste until 18 December to help residents prepare their properties.   

“Just as we prepared for winter and spring, it’s important we work together, take the right precautions and be prepared for whatever this summer throws at us.”

Recommended actions to take include:

  • mowing or slashing grass
  • Keeping weeds to below 10cm in height
  • raking leaves and bark in the immediate area around buildings
  • pruning low branches from around buildings and fences and
  • removing rubbish and garden waste.

Council will initiate a Fire Hazard Inspection program in December to align with the upcoming Fire Danger Period.

Council’s Municipal Fire Prevention Officer (MFPO) inspects properties within the Shire to ensure all properties have been maintained to minimise fire risk.

This involves removing fine fuels such as bark, leaves, twigs and long grass either as a fire break or the entire property. Fine fuels can contribute to the intensity and spread of a fire.

Council’s MFPO may issue Fire Prevention Notices across the municipality where additional work to a property is required.

Residents who know of a property of concern can contact Council’s Customer Service team on 5461 0610.

Visit for more information and resources to help you get fire ready.











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