Go Local First campaign to support Central Goldfields Small businesses

Published on 18 August 2020


Small businesses in the Central Goldfields are set to receive a boost with the launch of the Central Goldfields Shire Go Local First campaign this week.

An initiative of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia, Go Local First is a new nationwide campaign aimed at highlighting the vital role of small businesses in our nation’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The campaign encourages Australians to choose local small businesses when they are purchasing products and services to help get the economy back on its feet.

Locally the Go Local First campaign will be focused on promotion via a social media campaign.

Central Goldfields Shire Chief Administrator Noel Harvey said Council was committed to doing what it can to support its local small business community.

“Throughout this pandemic, we know our small businesses have done it tough. We must all do what we can to support our local grocers, butchers, restaurants, cafes, accounting and legal firms, gardeners, tradespeople, and goods producers.

“There are not many goods and services that can’t be obtained within our Shire.

“We’ve been working with our Central Goldfields Economic Response and Recovery Taskforce to identify ways Council can support our local businesses, and a priority was a coordinated campaign to get the whole community to spend money locally.

“We know that our local small businesses need our local community to back them now, by ‘going local first’ when they need to buy a product or service.

“When you shop locally, your money stays in the community, meaning local jobs and local economies not just surviving, but helping them to thrive as we emerge from COVID-19.

Central Goldfields Shire will be promoting #golocalfirst via the following platforms:

The campaign will see businesses operating within the Central Goldfields Shire profiled through social media platforms Instagram and Facebook.