7 September, 2023 - Cr Anna De Villiers - The Carisbrook Mercury

Published on 07 September 2023


The Draft Leases and Licenses Policy was endorsed by Council at the August Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Draft Policy is currently out for community feedback, and I thought it would be great opportunity to have a discussion around this.

Asset management is a huge responsibility for Council and poses several fundamental issues.

Firstly, for background, Council has a responsibility to manage its assets to the advantage of the community.

The overarching principle is we want to ensure equitable and sustainable access to buildings under control or ownership of Council, for the benefit of the community.

Secondly it needs to be financially viable or at least defensible.

This is complicated by the fact that many of the leases and licenses evolved over time and historically have different shapes and forms.

As a result, there are different forms of ownership and different legal obligations with regards to these assets.

Thirdly, changes in federal and state legislation over the past 8 years poses challenges for small municipalities.

So, what appears to be a very simple task of setting up a lease, setting up a license, signing on the dotted line is not quite as simple as that.

Having said that, it is also incumbent upon Council to have valid leases and licenses in place.

So, this is a job that needs to be done.

However, we need to recognise the fact that getting leases and licenses established requires time, money and manpower to resolve.

I encourage our community to read the Draft Policy and provide feedback by visiting www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/leasingpolicy2023

Feedback is invited until Wednesday 20 September 2023. 

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