Local government elections will be held in October 2024. Central Goldfields Shire candidate support and resources.
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All new homes, additions and alterations must comply with the six star standard energy rating. Six star energy ratings ensure environmental impacts are minimised and the costs of running a home are reduced. The aim is to create more environmentally friendly houses that consume less energy to heat and cool, are more comfortable to live in and also comply with the building regulations.
Where an extension or alteration is proposed, if the renovation work represents less than 50% of the original volume of the building, then only the new section should be rated 6 stars; more than 50% and the entire building may require a 6 star energy rating. Your Building Surveyor may need to consider partial compliance with the regulations.
Energy Raters
An accredited energy rater will need to review your building plans to ensure they meet with the six star energy rating. The energy rater will produce an energy report for you to submit as part of your building permit application.
For a list of energy raters visit either:
There are many ways you can minimise the environmental impact of your lifestyle, from ensuring the designs of any building works you undertake are energy efficient to using water wisely and purchasing energy efficient appliances for your home. Frequently, these measures also result in financial savings.
All non-residential buildings (e.g. office, retail, warehouse, factory, laboratory, public, healthcare, aged care, church, school) will require a Section J Report when applying for a Building Permit. The BCA Section J Report is a document which shows how the proposed building complies with the relevant Energy Efficiency requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA).