Talbot Futures
Talbot Futures Project
The Talbot Futures project includes two components – a town structure plan including a heritage review (overseen by Council) and investigations into providing a reticulated sewerage scheme for Talbot (overseen by Central Highlands Water).
The recently adopted Talbot Structure Plan will provide direction around population growth, future housing demand and areas for infill and greenfield development for Talbot upon implementing a reticulated sewerage scheme for the township.
The Sewerage Scheme Business Case has been endorsed, so we can now advocate for funding from both state and federal government to obtain the funding required for delivery of affordable sewerage provision.
More about Talbot Futures
Integrated planning for Talbot to thrive continues to be a priority for Council.
The planning work - referred to as the Talbot Futures Project - begun in September 2022, with consultant teams commencing work to deliver two key elements of the project.
The goal of the overall project is to establish an overall vision for the future of Talbot that protects the township’s key heritage and character attributes while allowing for a sustainable level of growth and change.
Developing an updated sewerage scheme design is key to enabling this growth and addressing the environmental issues created by unsewered wastewater management.
The two core components of the project are a town structure plan overseen by Council and an updated and fully costed sewerage scheme plan overseen by Central Highlands Water.
The engineering firm Jacobs has been contracted to undertake the technical and costing assessments for the sewerage scheme and this work has already commenced.
Council has recently appointed Hansen Partnership to lead the structure planning side of the project, in association with SGS Economics and Hello City engagement specialists.
Both contracts were awarded following a public tender process.
In September 2021, the Victorian Government (Living Regions Living Suburbs Fund) announced $630,000 that has enabled the commencement of the Structure Plan and Business Case for the project. Council is also contributing $60,000 towards this work.
The project is listed in Council’s Priority Projects Plan for advocacy to Government.
Talbot Heritage Review Stage One
The Talbot Heritage Review (Stage One):
- is early implementation of the Talbot Futures Structure Plan
- focuses on the areas within the existing HO208
- involves desktop research, fieldwork, and a community information session
- is foundation research that will confirm the ‘historic core’ of Talbot and assist to identify areas where new development should be supported, minimised, or avoided
- The project is running from January 2024 to June 2024
Talbot is a much-loved historic town, and we know its local community is passionate about its heritage and character.
Over the past few years, we’ve been working with local residents to develop the Talbot Future Structure Plan (TFSP) which will provide a way to carefully manage change as the town grows. This work is almost complete and we thank the local community for their input - your thoughts and help have been so important.
Talbot’s heritage is crucial to its identity, as well as its social, environmental and economic wellbeing. Council plays a pivotal role protecting the heritage left to us by generations past. This is often done through the heritage overlay control in the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme.
Currently, local planning scheme controls for Talbot mainly consist of a single, ‘blanket’ listing (Heritage Overlay called HO208), that are based on a study done in 1988. Talbot also has several individual places that have been protected in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) – as they are places of State Significance. These will not be affected by the current work.
To make sure that Talbot’s heritage is protected during likely change, the local heritage control for Talbot (Heritage Overlay called HO208) needs to be reviewed so that it is clearer, stronger and more targeted. While this project will not result in immediate changes to the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme, it also is the first of two stages of heritage work to do this.

Technical Information about Zones and Overlays
Note: the information below provides a brief introduction to some zones and overlays. The summaries do not provide commentary on all planning permit requirements, such as those associated with the construction of buildings or the carrying out of works. Please refer to the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme for full information.
What is a zone?
All land is subject to a zone. The planning scheme zones land for particular uses. The zones are listed in the planning scheme and each zone has a purpose and set of requirements. This information describes if a planning permit is required and the matters that the council must consider before deciding to grant a permit.
What is the Township Zone (TZ)?
A Township Zone typically applies to small towns with no specific structure of residential, commercial and industrial land uses. It is a flexible zone. For example, it allows for the use of the land for dwellings as-of-right (subject to meeting wastewater, potable water and electricity supply conditions). Subject to the grant of a planning permit, it allows for the use of the land for Industry (if not a use with adverse amenity potential) and Retail premises.
What is the Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z)?
The Commercial 1 zone (C1Z) seeks to support the creation of mixed use commercial centres for retail business, entertainment and community uses. The use of land for Retail premises and Shops is allowed as of right in the C1Z. The use of land for Dwellings generally requires a planning permit. This enables a Council to manage the establishment of dwellings in commercial areas, to ensure that sufficient land remains for shops etc, in the longer term.
What is the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ)?
The Neighbourhood Residential Zone is applied to areas that have been identified as having specific neighbourhood, heritage, environmental or landscape character values that distinguish the land from other parts of the municipality or surrounding area. The NRZ allows for the use of the land for a dwelling as of right (other than bed and breakfast). The use of the land for Industry (other than an automated collection point and car wash) and retail premises (other than a Convenience shop, food and drink premises, market and plant nursery) is prohibited in the NRZ. The NRZ does not currently apply anywhere within the Central Goldfields Shire.
What is the General Residential Zone (GRZ)?
The application of the General Residential Zone is considered appropriate for areas where a mix of dwelling types is envisaged, including detached houses, units and townhouses. Buildings of up to three storeys can be accommodated. The GRZ allows for a dwelling as of right (other than bed and breakfast). The use of the land for Industry (other than an automated collection point and car wash) and retail premises (other than a Convenience shop, food and drink premises, market and plant nursery) is prohibited in the GRZ. The GRZ currently applies to parts of Maryborough, Carisbrook and Dunolly.
What is the Farming Zone (FZ)?
The Farming Zone is primarily concerned with keeping land in agricultural production and avoiding land uses that could limit future farming or constrain agricultural activities. Generally, the further subdivision of land and construction of houses is discouraged, unless used for legitimate farming purposes.
What is the Rural Living Zone (RLZ)?
This zone provides for residential use in a rural environment. It is designed to cater for lots in a rural setting that are large enough to accommodate a dwelling and a farming use (generally 4 hectares). The farming use is likely to be carried on for reasons other than the need to provide a significant source of household income.
What is the Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ)?
The Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ) is suitable for areas on the fringe of urban settlements and townships with larger residential lots of 0.2ha if sewered or 0.4 ha if not sewered, to ensure lots are large enough to treat and retain wastewater, but small enough to be maintained without the need for agricultural techniques or equipment.
What is an Overlay?
The planning scheme map may show that a piece of land has an overlay as well as a zone affecting it. Not all land has an overlay. Some land may be affected by more than one overlay. If an overlay applies, the land will have some special feature such as a heritage building, significant vegetation or flood risk. The overlay information will indicate if a planning permit is required for the construction of a building or other change to the land. It will set out requirements for subdivision, and buildings and works that apply in addition to the requirements of the zone.
What is a Heritage Overlay (HO)?
A heritage overlay is a planning control that is applied to land (either an individual place or a precinct) where heritage significance has been identified. A planning permit is usually required to construct a building or to undertake works in a heritage overlay (including demolition).
What is a Development Plan Overlay (DPO)?
A Development Plan Overlay requires the preparation of a development plan before a permit can be granted to use or develop the land. A development plan describes the proposed use and development of each part of the land to which it applies. It may consist of plans or other documents and may, with the agreement of the responsible authority, be prepared and implemented in stages.
What is a Design and Development Overlay (DDO)?
A Design and Development Overlay identifies land that is affected by specific requirements relating to the design and built form of new developments.