Central Goldfields Shire Tourism & Events(PDF, 5MB)
This Strategy provides a plan for future growth and enhancement of the Central Goldfields visitor economy to benefit visitors and locals alike through focusing on the existing and potential tourism and product strengths of the region, and addressing any gaps and barriers to successful and sustainable visitor economy growth.
Council partnered with Urban Enterprise to undertake initial consultation, independent research and analysis to identify the most important local issues within broader regional, national and global trends and put forward some potential actions for inclusion in the strategy.
Central Goldfields Shire Local Area Action Plan(PDF, 22MB)
The Region’s vision is to Enrich People and Place through Tourism across five wellbeing areas: community. environment, economy, industry, and visitor.
The Central Goldfields Local Area Action Plan, which is a sub-plan of the Bendigo Regional Tourism Destination Management Plan has been developed through a process of research, analysis and community consultation.
It provides direction and clarity, ensuring that there is cohesion, co-ordination and an effective approach to strengthening tourism within the Shire and across the Region.