Weekly update - Friday 26 July, 2024

Published on 26 July 2024

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The July Council Meeting was held earlier this week (23/07).

You can watch a video recording of the meeting on our Facebook page or by visiting www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/councilmeetings 


Carisbrook residents are encouraged to attend the Carisbrook Levee Community meeting.

When: Tuesday 6 August, 6pm for a 6.30pm start

Where: Carisbrook Senior Citizens Centre

Why: The independent reviewer and engineer Fred Spain will be presenting his findings

This event is being hosted by the Carisbrook Levee Reference Group and registration is not needed.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Chat to a reference group representative about the meeting: Keith McLeish, Trish Coutts, Peter Higgins, Ian Boucher, Wayne McKail, Judi McKail, Paula Forbes, Greg Corcoran, Bryan Perry and Leonie Van Rooyen.

Visit www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/carisbrooklevee for more information about the review



After 39 years of service across multiple positions, this week we congratulate and farewell Brian Powell.

Brian commenced his career in 1985 in the wake of the devastating Maryborough-Avoca bushfire. After the fires he continued in his role as a labourer then moved on to being a tractor roller and later a grader driver.

Most recently, Brian has been an asset inspector and has looked after footpaths, roads, playgrounds, lakes, airports and landfill. In this role Brian has contributed to ensuring our community-owned assets are maintained for our community to enjoy.

Thank you, Brian, for your 39 years of service to the Central Goldfields Shire. We wish you all the best for retirement! 


Events Strategy

From sport, culture, markets and community events – events bring our community together, attract visitors to our Shire and create opportunities for our community to enjoy.

There has been a steady rise in events over recent years, and this has meant we’ve experienced an increased demand for services, support and complex compliance requirements.

To help us better support our community to host events, we’ve developed a Draft Events Strategy in line with key community and tourism priorities.

This will ensure we are more consistent in how we support events; allow us to facilitate high-quality events for our Shire and provide a clear understanding of venue options and regulatory considerations.

Community members are encouraged to view the Draft Events Strategy and provide feedback by 3pm, Friday 7 August. Visit www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/events 


Local Laws Review

Around 90 community members have helped shape our updated Central Goldfields Shire Draft Local Law 2025-2035.

Under the Local Government Act, Council is required to review the Local Law every 10 years. The Local Law protects our public and private spaces and health and safety.  

Based on community feedback the Draft Local Law includes a number of changes and additions. Some of these areas relate to shopping trolleys, shipping containers, burning in open spaces, animals, camping and dogs in public places.

We are now inviting community to review the Draft Local Law to ensure we have a Local Law that meets the needs of the community over the next 10 years.

Community members are invited to review the updated draft Local Law and provide feedback until 3pm, Friday 30 August. To find out more and to provide feedback visit www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/yourlocallaw



It’s time to get creative and start preparing your entry for the Central Goldfields Art Gallery’s popular Community Art exhibition.

The annual exhibition – to go on display from 28 November - is an opportunity for residents of Central Goldfields Shire and Avoca to have their visual arts talent showcased to visitors to the Gallery. 

To help with inspiration for your entry, a series of community art-making workshops will be held at the Gallery, starting Wednesday 7 August, at 2pm.

To find out more and to collect an entry form visit Central Goldfields Art Gallery or visit www.centralgoldfieldsartgallery.com.au

Entries for the Community Art Exhibition are due by 17 November 2024.

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Energy Breakthrough is just round the bend in November. 

The award-winning community event is operated by a small team of staff and an army of fantastic volunteers. 

By participating in EB, community groups can contribute to a vital community event and gain fundraising support for their local group/club.

Expressions of interest are now open for community groups to get involved.  Opportunities range from track set up to bin fairies. 

Head to www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/EnergyBreakthrough-EOI to find out how you can contribute.



For career opportunities, please visit: 




Tenders currently available through Central Goldfields Shire Council are listed below.

Tender documents can be downloaded from e-Procure, accessible via Council's website www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/tenders


Tender No

Tender Description



Carisbrook Compost Upgrade





Dunolly Bowling Club Disability Access Works




Princes Park Cricket Wicket Renewal








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