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Published on 27 August 2024
Our current term as councillors is almost at and end and I would like to reflect on some of the achievements that have happened over the last four years.
As I write this, it’s difficult to believe it’s been four years. The time has absolutely flown by. I don’t think I can fit everything into my allocated space, but here goes!
We saw our beautiful Art Gallery transformation and additional Indigenous Interpretative Garden, the completion and current review of the Carisbrook levy, the construction of the Maryborough skate park and the related events held there, the Bristol Hill tower restoration - with so many community members coming together to preserve a special part of Maryborough’s history, the Visitor Information Centre upgrade and the Maryborough Town Hall electrical works and re-opening near completion.
We also had numerous events or festivals such as the flamboyant Pride Festival, the return of a new and improved version of Energy Breakthrough after Covid, the fantastic Maryborough Community Festival, the wonderful Light Up Talbot festival, and the huge Dunolly Gold Rush festival.
We also saw the development of our climate action plan and collaboration group, the very successful volunteer forum and grant writing workshops.
It’s easy to overlook some of these things but on reflection, I’m amazed at the effort by so many people, be it Council staff or the dedicated community members our Shire is so lucky to have. I’m lucky to call the Central Goldfields home and can’t wait to see what the future brings.