2 April 2024, Cr Anna De Villiers, The Maryborough Advertiser
Published on 02 April 2024
Dare to be a Leader
We are all leaders in our own right without consciously thinking about it. Being a parent, managing a family, at work with certain responsibilities involved.
This year are Local government elections. Putting your hand up for Council can seem daunting. I’d advise you to nominate, then see where it takes you.
Being a Councillor is totally different to what I expected. We have few guidelines or a job description. You have to create your own leadership role with only three guidelines in the Local Government Act describing the role of councillors.
Firstly, to participate in the decision making of the Council. Secondly, represent the interests of the municipal community in that decision making and thirdly, to contribute to the strategic direction of the Council.
The aspects I enjoy most being a Councillor is the contact with the general public and the potential for personal development and growth. I am one of those people who love to learn and gain new knowledge but most of all, networking. I love meeting up with councillors from other councils, hearing what other councils are doing.
Therefore, my challenge is to you: be brave, be prepared to get out of your comfort zone and put your name in the hat to be a leader. You have to be in it, to win it. If you don’t nominate, you’ll never know what you might have achieved.
The fear of losing is a powerful force preventing people from putting their hand up. If you don’t succeed the first time, try a second and third time. You have everything to gain.
Cr Anna De Villiers
Tullaroop Ward